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Rise Up & Build! (KK)

Lads to Leaders - SYG

We often talk about Nehemiah as a builder, but not a warrior.  However, we can see that he was not afraid of a challenge.  And, He never ran from a fight.  This attitude spread throughout the kingdom. 

Nehemiah also did not believe in a one-man ministry.   He took it upon himself to challenge the leaders of the remnant to work with him (not for him) in repairing the walls. What was the motive?  The answer is seen in the text we studied last week, "That we may no longer be a reproach’’ (Nehemiah 2:17).  He was concerned with the glory of God as well as the good of the nation.  What a great attitude for a leader!

As a leader, I realize that we will face many battles as we press on in our work.  Like Nehemiah, I also realize that we must do this work together.  I am not here to work for you, but for the Lord.  You are here to work, not for me, but for the Lord.  Together we will link arm in arm and get the work done!

We have to be prepared with a warrior spirit to accomplish the Lord's work.  We have to be prepared for the battles that lie before us.  There are at least four battles every leader faces.  These include:  1) The battle with self: doubt, fear, impatience, etc., 2) The battle with the mission: concerns about impossibility, timetables, cost, etc., 3) The battle with those around us: those you will lead, our family, the church family, the community, etc., 4) The battle with the enemy.

I often wonder if there is a chronological connection between the battles Nehemiah faces and similar ones we face today.  It often seems like our battles go in the same sequential order: self, mission, family, and enemy.  God obviously knows what He is doing, and if this is the case, think about this…. The better I can overcome the battle with myself and my mission, the easier it will be for me to lead others and face the enemy.   

We need to be ready for these four battles!  We CAN face them with a strong faith, just like Nehemiah. As we face opposition, as did Nehemiah, there is an important principle to remember: never forget God’s faithfulness!  Don't ever forget about His presence in your life!  Nehemiah reported the tragedy (Nehemiah 2:17), but he quickly informed the leaders how God had made Him successful up to that point (Nehemiah 2:18).  We need to look forward in faith!

Are you ready to reveal that warrior spirit?  Are you ready to step out on faith?  You are not alone!  I am ready to join you.  Just remember that God will be with you!! Rise up, and build!

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