Eric Whittle, Youth & Family Minister
I grew up in Mobile, AL, and have been a member of the Lord’s church my entire life. I graduated from Mobile Christian School in 2004 and attended Faulkner University for two years. I then moved back home to Mobile and a few years later married the love of my life in 2008. I think I got the better deal! While I have a background mostly in retail, I have always had a passion for youth. I love coaching, especially football, and that has been my ministry for eight years at Snook Christian Academy. Speaking of Snook, Andrea and I both taught there in the early days of the school with Andrea beginning to teach English there when the school was held in our fellowship hall. She stayed there eight years while I taught History and PE for three. So we love kids and are very excited to be working with the kids here at Summerdale! We now live in Orange Beach with our two fur babies, a dog Mocha and cat Sysko.
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We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities to serve. Let's connect!
(251) 989-7748